
Why do we need religion?

No disrespect to people that are religious, but i think religions are a complete waste of time. It just gives people false hope. Yes, religion can show people how to live the right role of life but who says the is a correct way to live?. I know stealing, killing, adultry,...ect is bad. I didnt need to go to church to figure that out. Religions are there to explain the unexplainable. When there is a problem in life and no one knows why it's happening to them, they tend to seek higher authority. The explanation may not be true, but it gives a sense of comfort and ability to process and accept hardships in life. But at the same time alot of people suffer by religion. People use religion as a form of control which totally contradicts what religion is all about. Whats sad is i do believe religion was created to control people. Some may try to do it indirectly but they still have some form of control of how you are living. It makes me so angry. You give people a little power and they abuse the hell out of it. You got people ready to give there lives for a religion and what do they get in return? Some words of wisdom?  The promise that you will make it to heaven?Even though majority of preachers dont even know if heaven exist. What really bad is people dont even question their religion. They just sit back and believe everything that they are told. If your gonna follow something wouldn't you first find out what your following? Dont just assume your preacher is right. Take some time to read the bible yourself. Religion = Hypocrisy plan and simple. I can't solely blame religion though. Religion is man made. The bible was written by man. It didn't just fall out the sky. Someone wrote it. Thats goes for all religious writings. It just show how simple minded our society is. We can't even figure out how to live our own lives. We need a book to tell us how. So, to put it simply, we don't need religion, we need reality and a lil common sense.


  1. I kind of get what your saying. Sometimes I have doubts, I think that we should have more freedom. Because the bible is written man-made, thats their P.O.V. correct? So why can't I have my own point of view? I believe in the bible and God, I just have to remember it was written by a man, we might not know whether thats the way it was supposed to be translated. Obviously back then he people weren't as smart as we are now, they may have misunderstood many things.

  2. honestly.
    i completely agree.

    the bible was written by monks who locked themselves in caves & HAND WROTE what they believed happened to Jesus & his followers. its true that JESUS is a real person, he really existed. but the bible is fictional.

    monks wrote it to help solve corruption in their society, & we use the bible in church to do the same thing today.

    plus, church people are probably the most corrupt. not because what they do is worse than people who don't go to church - but because the think they can sin monday - saturday, & then suddenly be forgiven on sunday.

    i'm not religious at all. i'm damn near agnostic, because i saw how people at church sin right outside it's doors.

    it's a shame.
