
It's not fair to love you in chains

One of my favorite songs is "Showtime" by Nelly Furtado. And if you never listen to it, its about a girl [Nelly] wanting to express her love for her man to the world. She doesn't want to keep her relationship a secret. But the guy shes with doesn't want there relationship all out in the open cause hes worried about how others might think. Nelly feels like that fact he doesnt want to open you relationship is limiting there love. Hince the line "It's not fair to love you in chains". What funny is i've never really listened to Nelly Furtado except that one song she had with Missy Elliot. The girl i was with at to time played it for me and it ended up being "our" song. Or a one of our songs.  Damn I miss her so much. I was such a jerk then. But have you felt like you had someone that would be there no matter what. Like no matter how much you mess up she is still gonna love you the same and never leave. But i was sadly mistaken. But you learn and move on....*

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