That seems to be the motto everyone follows these days. So many people only want to care about themselves. Not to say that is necessarily a bad thing but wouldn't the world be a better place if people helped each other?. It seems like every suffers from psychological egoism, people are only motivated by self-interest. If it doesn't benefit them then they don't care. We are products of a corrupt culture the teaches selfishness. Selfish people don’t bother to take the time to understand another person’s point-of-view or feelings. Hence why we have democrats and republicans. Wouldn't controlling a country be easier if both parties worked together? Or better yet just have one party. Why do we need two separate parties? Our country has been divided since day one. Not just racially, but mentally, financially, culturally. Even our communities are separate. Why is it that American culture teaches people to be so self-centered? Teens today aren't as nearly social conscious as kids were in past generations. Yeah everybody was on the Obama bandwagon when he was running but how many of them actually voted? People today are very materialistic and are concerned with there image and how people view them. But the one thing people forget is no one is paying attention to you. Unless of course you are a celebrity. And its crazy how we are so obsessed with famous people. Like they are gods or something. Wow you can sing your the greatest, or you can memorize a script and act it out let me worship you. Like really? Just because a person can act out a story doesn't mean we have to devote all our time to him/her. Selfishness only pushes your friends away. Its frustrating to deal with them. I really just dont know. Our world is so destined for doom. Global warming is slowing destroying our planet and we do nothin but try to live in the present and not worry about the future. Smh..Im done talking. If you want to live the your so-called "Goodlife" go ahead, I doubt people even know the true meaning of that. The most important thing to remember when dealing with a self-centered person is to remain realistic. Know that everything is not about you. Yes, you should enjoy your life but try to enjoy it with other people also. Most of your best life experiences is gonna be with people you meet along the way...*
Has India Ever Been In A War
4 months ago
very interesting...i like it
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