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Hello World

OMG! I haven't blogged in so long. I missed you guys. So much has been happening. So for now own I'm gonna be updating more on here. Expect more posts coming soon.


Pre-order Form

Shirt one

Shirt two

Shirt three

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Email Address -

Which Tee you want and size - 


Accepting Pre-orders

If you want to buy one of my tees found HERE. Email be so you can be put on the list. liveyourdreamclothing@gmail.com



I haven't post on here in a while. Twitter man, Twitter.


So Rihanna doesn't want to be outdone by Cassie.

Looky Looky, naked pics of Rihanna have hit the net. Cassie who?..lol

So Cassie is a freak. [Repost]

And i love it!...lol..But seriously i've been waiting to she her naked for a looooong time. And now its finally happened. Supposely someone "hacked" her computer and released the pics but i highly doubt that. She pulled a publicty stunt with cutting her hair and i feel this is the same.. the legs spreaded one is kinda suspect tho. Could be photoshopped..Since people [Cecelia] was complaining about the pics being censored i repost it..lol


Agenda 21

About the Swine Flu

Unless you are from Mars or live in a cave, you probably know that there is an outbreak of swine flu in Mexico. As of today (April 29th), there have been over 100 deaths in Mexico from a new flu strain. It’s actually notswine flu, since the virus has not been isolated in pigs. It would be more logical to call the virus “North American Flu” based on its geographic origin. But for the sake of clarity, I’ll refer to the virus as “swine flu” in this article.

In any event, regardless of what we call this flu, it is a combination of pig, bird, and human viruses from multiple continents, and belongs to the most common flu subtype called H1N1. However, it is impossible for any natural virus to consist of strains from many parts of the world and suddenly infecting people in one particular area. Investigative journalistWayne Madsen has reported that “a top scientist for the United Nations, who has examined the outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus in Africa, as well as HIV/AIDS victims, [and] concluded that H1N1 possesses certain transmission ‘vectors’ that suggest that the new flu strain has been genetically-manufactured as a military biological warfare weapon. The UN expert believes that Ebola, HIV/AIDS, and the current A-H1N1 swine flu virus are biological warfare agents.”

In light of the FACT that this is a “bio-engineered” virus, please ask yourself the following questionCould this be part of the New World Order’s depopulation agenda? It’s a known fact that the ruling eliteDOES want to reduce the population of the world. They write about it in their books, in their think tank documents, in government documents, and at their conferences. You won’t hear about it from the “controlled” media, but that means nothing. Just do a google search for “eugenics depopulation” and begin to learn what’s really happening.

But we shouldn’t be surprised. Governments across the globe add sodium fluoride (an industrial waste and the active ingredient of rat poison) to your water, causing your brain, liver, and bones to decompose. They add mercury (which is as toxic as arsenic and lead) to the vaccinations, causing autism and SIDS. It shouldn’t seem too far fetched to believe that viruses could be released intentionally to further reduce the world’s population.

This manufactured crisis is also a perfect opportunity for another “power grab” by the government. History is replete with examples of government using biological and chemical agents for political purpose. For example, at the height of Cold War insanity, the US government gave its scientists carte blanche to experiment on anything that could possibly further the military industrial complex. The CIA experimented with LSD for “mind control” in its MK Ultra program.

At Fort Detrick, scientists studied the possibility of spreading yellow fever and plague with insects. Anti-crop bombs were built for the US Air Force to be used on third world countries. It appears this insanity did not stop with the Cold War. Just last week, the Frederick News Post reported Army criminal investigators are looking into the possibility that disease samples are missing from biolabs at Fort Detrick. And if you need more evidence, it’s now a proven fact that the anthrax release after 9/11 originated at Fort Detrick as well.

What about a vaccine? This past Saturday evening, the Chicago Tribune posted this article which indicates that Baxter International is working on a vaccine for the swine flu. Do you remember a couple of months ago when there was a company that sent out flu vaccines to 18 countries that were contaminated with H5N1 bird flu? What was the name of that company again? Let me think…. Oh yes, that was Baxter International.

Don’t you find it strange that this same company is developing a swine flu vaccine? Baxter has put the safety of the entire human race at risk, and now, just a few weeks later, we’re expected to invest our confidence in them and take their shots with a smile and keep quiet? To be honest, it was only by “Divine Providence” that one of Baxter’s batches of the contaminated flu vaccine was first tested on ferrets in the Czech Republic, before being shipped out for injection into humans. The ferrets all died, and it was discovered that the vaccines were tainted. If these vaccines had been injected into the human population (with a 60% kill rate) it would have made the holocaust look like a fraternity prank! But let’s not be too hard on Baxter. The fact of the matter is that Bayer (you know, the aspirin company) has a similar track record.

Is this a “beta” test? Are the scientists behind this flu merely doing a beta test, in which they are studying multiple variables such as how far it spreads and how fast, does it mutate, etc? Are they studying if they’ll get away with the crime? The reason I ask these seemingly strange questions is that Mexico seems like a perfect place to begin the beta test, due to its proximity to the USA. You see, the USA is the target of the global elite, since we still have a Second Amendment right (to bear arms), thus making Americans a big threat to the New World Order.

What’s the bottom line?

Ø Someone, somewhere wants a pandemic. Maybe this isn’t the BIG ONE – maybe it’s just a “beta test” – but the BIG ONE is coming. Just ask Janet Napolitano (Director of Homeland Security) who stated “the US should prepare for a new flu outbreak, even if this one fizzles out.” This might be why millions of plastic coffins have been spotted in Georgia and Arizona, among other states.

Ø If you can find out who benefits, then you will have found the author of the virus. Follow the money trail. If a pandemic does take place, then it’s likely that worthless vaccines will be given to millions of Americans, resulting in billion$ of dollars for the manufacturers of the vaccines.

Ø Remember that the ultimate goal is to further restrict our freedom. Regulations have been set in place so that, should the government declare a pandemic, vaccinations could becomemandatory. If you refuse, then you may be “quarantined” (i.e.imprisoned) in one of the FEMA concentration camps. It’s called “ring vaccination” or “traced vaccination” — a round ‘em up and vaccinate program forced on the population by the government. DHS and FEMA have plans in place to accomplish this, as D. H. Williams wrote for the Daily Newscaster in February.

Ø Whether this is a pandemic or just a beta test, beware that they will use vaccines to spread the virus. The so-called “cure” for the biological attack is the method of delivery, so take vaccinations at your own risk, as they will most certainly contain multiple “soft-kill” pathogens. Take a rat (or your local politician) to the doctor with you to beta test the vaccination before youtake it. If you’ve studied history, you’ll remember that the Spanish Flu (which killed millions) was spread through a typhus vaccine during World War I.

And now for the million dollar question: What can you do to protect yourself? Most folks think that a strong immune system is the key. Well, typically this might be true, but that’s only partly true, due to the fact that this flu contains a strain of the avian flu. Interestingly, the majority of those who have died from this flu in Mexico were NOT elderly or the sick. They have been healthy young adults with strong immune systems! This basically means that this strain of flu has the ability to turn a person’s immune system against itself so that it shuts down the victim’s lungs in what is known as a cytokine storm.

In a cytokine storm, the immune system sees a virus that it has never seen before (which in this case will be true for every single person living on the planet), and it goes nuts, whipping itself into a frenzy in response to the invading virus. According to Jon Barron, “a biochemical cascade of immune cells and immune system bio-chemicals such as interferon, interleuken, monokines and cytokines literally pours into the lungs. The subsequent damage to the lung tissue caused by these cells and bio-chemicals leads to the condition mentioned above called acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The net result is that the victim suffocates as a result of their own disease-fighting chemistry.”


Looking at these tees to be my releases

What do you think?


The Dream - Hater [Video]

I don't know if this is official or not but its hella dope. Scratch that. Its a viral video.


The Fifth Tee


Are you a dick, pussy or a asshole?

Pussies don't like dicks, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes. Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way. But the only thing that can fuck an asshole is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is: they fuck too much - and it takes a pussy to show them that. But times, pussies can be so full of shit that they become assholes themselves... because pussies are an inch and half away from ass holes.


Third design

Would you buy it?



Starting a clothing line

1st design


French Elle No Makeup Issue.

Now im not big on high class fashion but that fact that one of the biggest fashion magazines in the world did a no makeup no photoshop issue is very remarkable to me. Like seriously is a shame how much retouching people do in there magazines. Pretty much every magazines use photoshop to retouch there photo and if you dont believe that your delusional. Anybody that photographs models, I plead to you: It's time to step up your game. People would like to see some real, healthy women who actually look like themselves. Stop smoothing out there wrinkles or making them skinnier. We're tired of the fakeness. Well at least i am.




Imagine there`s a bank account that credits
your account each morning with $ 86,400 _
It carries over NO balance from day to day ,
every evening , t h e bank deletes whatever
part of the balance you failed to use during
the day . what would you do ? withdraw out
every cent , ofcourse ? each of us has such
a bank . it`s name is TIME . every morning ,
it c r e d i t s you with 86,400 s e c o n d s
every night , it writes off as lost -- whatever
of this you have failed to invest to a g o o d
p u r p o s e . it carries o v e r no balance . it
allows no over draft . each d a y , it opens a
new account for you . each night it b u r n s
the remains of the day . if you f a i l to u s e
the day`s deposits the loss is yours . There
is no drawing against " T O M O R R O W " _


Oh and one more thing.

My Karmaloop Wife :].. Pure Hotness.

Lastest Design.

Taking a break from blogger. People are not really keeping me interested to continue doing this.

You know your soft as a twinkie..lol Mike Epps video



I'm not a dancer but this sure makes me want to become one.


Hypocrisy in America [Mainly PETA]

Hello people. Its been a while since i made a post about just life stuff. I actually was trying to talk about issues in the world because it just became stupid to me. Listening to people talk about how depressed they are and how anti-social they've become. Just lame. But them main reason of this post is hypocrites. Now i know people contradict themselves from time to time but a hypocrite is someone that contradicts themselves without acknowledging the fact that there contradicting themselves. What made me bring up this issue is a little organization called PETA [People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals] A few weeks ago i saw a story that said PETA KILLS ANIMALS. Like anybody who would have read that, I was very surprised. So i decided to do some research. And sure enough it was true. Even Penn and Teller did a episode about it on there show a while back. [ I'll post the video below]. The fact that PETA and anybody that represents them are hypocrites is not even the reason why i'm mad. Its how they treat other people who are not vegetarians that makes me mad. They go around protesting and throwing paint on people while they have a freezer full of dead animals back at there Headquarters waiting to be cremated. PETA kills MORE animals then they save. They are more about publicity then actually saving animals. They care more about what celebrity they can get to pose naked in there ads then about saving animals. They're trying to get the younger generation to fight for there so-called "cause". Whats sad PETA supporters probably don't even know the truth about the organization they support and if they do they come up with a bullshit excuse why they do it. They try to stop animal testing but animal testing is the reason why so many people can live today. I really dont understand PETA's motives. No, i dont support animal cruelty but i dont support PETA either. They are a corrupt group with terrorist tactics and contradictory beliefs.



A T-shirt design I entered for a contest

What do you think? Alos can you vote while you at it? You have to sign up though. Its a clothing site so its free. Vote HERE


My Showcase.

Starting from this point on I think i'm going to start showcasing my graphic design work. I'm trying to turn this into a career so i need feedback! :]. So every week i'll post up a new piece i created and you can tell me how you like it and what i need to improve on as far as visually. I'm mainly doing this because i hella lazy and i need to start building a portfolio of work. So hopefully by doing this it could help me keep on track. Your feedback is really important to me so i'd really appreciate it if you took the time and gave me your input. Thank you :]



I love Photography .

I seriously need to buy me a camera. You can view the rest HERE


The ShamWow guy chris brown's hoes too?

Vince Shlomi is the spokesman in infomercials for the, ShamWow. He knotted up a hooker who bit his tongue  and was arrested: 

Shlomi told cops he paid [Sasha] Harris about $1000 in cash after she “propositioned him for straight sex.” Shlomi said that when he kissed Harris, she suddenly “bit his tongue and would not let go.” Shlomi then punched Harris several times until she released his tongue. The affidavit…notes that during the 4 AM fight Harris sustained facial fractures and lacerations all over her face…. After freeing his tongue, a bleeding Shlomi ran to the [hotel] lobby, where security summoned cops. Harris refused to cooperate with officers, who recovered $930 from her purse.



Being heartless gets you no where, it just drives away the people who actually love you.


Asher Roth - Just Listen Acapella [A Must Hear]

He's a real poet on the mic. When i first listened to him [like two years ago] I had no idea that he would be this good. I like the subject matter in this song because it's something i been trying to promoting for the longest. Just listen to people once in a while. 


Tupac was at lil wayne's Concert?!?!

Lol..No it's not really him.. But damn it sure is close.


What do you think of my latest work?









When your doing something badly and no one cares to correct you, that means they've given up on you.


This commercial defines random

I love when the NBA does these commercials.

Although Powe clearly tripped over Joe Johnson's foot it was still a amazing scene..lol


Never a Bad Decision

A memorable art professor in college once said "You can never make a bad decision."

I think what he meant was that even when we make a decision that has undesirable consequences, that's not necessarily bad... only unpleasant perhaps. The experience is still useful because we learn from it.

As with any other absolute truth in life, I think this is absolutely 50% correct :-) Well, I definitely like to remember it in days like today... when I mentally kick myself for having listened to my intuition and not my logic in my last episode of decision-making crisis.

I think I made a bad decision today... but if I had to choose again i would probably choose the same. 


Love is It.

Love is unpredictable Love is uncontainable
Love is reliable Love is infallible

Love is right Love is wrong
Love is weak Love is strong

Love is good Love is pure
Love is real Love is sure

Love is jealous Love is pain
Love is lost Love is gained

Love is naked Love is raw
Love is everything Love is all

Love is here Love is there
Love is beautiful Love is fair

Love is great Love is shit
Love is demanding Love is it.... 

Paul LaFalce


"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend." — Albert Camus



Can it be achieved? Before you can answer that you have to understand what perfection is.  Perfection is a state of completeness and flawlessness. Perfection is when everything is in its place and correct. So now that you know, can perfection be achieved? Many people will say no it can't be achieved for the simple fact that nobody is perfect and everyone has imperfections preventing them from being perfect. Others that are religious say only God is perfect and that you shouldn't make attempts at Godhood. Why God is perfect is confusing considering he's a jealous God and that you should only worship him. That sounds a little dictator-ish to me and can be consider as a imperfection. If you think about God is kinda like a dictator. Maybe not Saddam Hussein status be he is. But that's a whole nother topic, this is about being perfect. Now me being the optimist that I am i believe perfection does exist. Yes, I said it, it does exist. Now the way I see it may not be the way you see it. I believe perfection is when your comfortable with how something is. For example, if your happy with how you are meaning if like your personality, you like your looks and there's nothing you would change about yourself then doesn't make you perfect? It may only be to you and no one else but i believe it still counts. Just like beauty, perfection is in the eye of the beholder. Whatever feels right to you and shouldn't be change is perfect. Moral of the story: As a whole perfection doesn't exist but it does exist in individuals.

Whether you like him or no he knows what hes doing.

"Love anything and your heart will be wrong and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable."  — C.S. Lewis


This is so beautiful.

This is why I'm a firm believer in true love. People who close themselves to love and other people are truely missing out on something special.

World Builder from Bruce Branit on Vimeo.


is the closest thing we have to magic.


I need to work on my photoshop skills..lol

Look at the panther's paw...Ughhh.

Orignal Pics