
A T-shirt design I entered for a contest

What do you think? Alos can you vote while you at it? You have to sign up though. Its a clothing site so its free. Vote HERE


My Showcase.

Starting from this point on I think i'm going to start showcasing my graphic design work. I'm trying to turn this into a career so i need feedback! :]. So every week i'll post up a new piece i created and you can tell me how you like it and what i need to improve on as far as visually. I'm mainly doing this because i hella lazy and i need to start building a portfolio of work. So hopefully by doing this it could help me keep on track. Your feedback is really important to me so i'd really appreciate it if you took the time and gave me your input. Thank you :]



I love Photography .

I seriously need to buy me a camera. You can view the rest HERE


The ShamWow guy chris brown's hoes too?

Vince Shlomi is the spokesman in infomercials for the, ShamWow. He knotted up a hooker who bit his tongue  and was arrested: 

Shlomi told cops he paid [Sasha] Harris about $1000 in cash after she “propositioned him for straight sex.” Shlomi said that when he kissed Harris, she suddenly “bit his tongue and would not let go.” Shlomi then punched Harris several times until she released his tongue. The affidavit…notes that during the 4 AM fight Harris sustained facial fractures and lacerations all over her face…. After freeing his tongue, a bleeding Shlomi ran to the [hotel] lobby, where security summoned cops. Harris refused to cooperate with officers, who recovered $930 from her purse.



Being heartless gets you no where, it just drives away the people who actually love you.


Asher Roth - Just Listen Acapella [A Must Hear]

He's a real poet on the mic. When i first listened to him [like two years ago] I had no idea that he would be this good. I like the subject matter in this song because it's something i been trying to promoting for the longest. Just listen to people once in a while. 


Tupac was at lil wayne's Concert?!?!

Lol..No it's not really him.. But damn it sure is close.


What do you think of my latest work?









When your doing something badly and no one cares to correct you, that means they've given up on you.


This commercial defines random

I love when the NBA does these commercials.

Although Powe clearly tripped over Joe Johnson's foot it was still a amazing scene..lol


Never a Bad Decision

A memorable art professor in college once said "You can never make a bad decision."

I think what he meant was that even when we make a decision that has undesirable consequences, that's not necessarily bad... only unpleasant perhaps. The experience is still useful because we learn from it.

As with any other absolute truth in life, I think this is absolutely 50% correct :-) Well, I definitely like to remember it in days like today... when I mentally kick myself for having listened to my intuition and not my logic in my last episode of decision-making crisis.

I think I made a bad decision today... but if I had to choose again i would probably choose the same. 


Love is It.

Love is unpredictable Love is uncontainable
Love is reliable Love is infallible

Love is right Love is wrong
Love is weak Love is strong

Love is good Love is pure
Love is real Love is sure

Love is jealous Love is pain
Love is lost Love is gained

Love is naked Love is raw
Love is everything Love is all

Love is here Love is there
Love is beautiful Love is fair

Love is great Love is shit
Love is demanding Love is it.... 

Paul LaFalce


"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend." — Albert Camus



Can it be achieved? Before you can answer that you have to understand what perfection is.  Perfection is a state of completeness and flawlessness. Perfection is when everything is in its place and correct. So now that you know, can perfection be achieved? Many people will say no it can't be achieved for the simple fact that nobody is perfect and everyone has imperfections preventing them from being perfect. Others that are religious say only God is perfect and that you shouldn't make attempts at Godhood. Why God is perfect is confusing considering he's a jealous God and that you should only worship him. That sounds a little dictator-ish to me and can be consider as a imperfection. If you think about God is kinda like a dictator. Maybe not Saddam Hussein status be he is. But that's a whole nother topic, this is about being perfect. Now me being the optimist that I am i believe perfection does exist. Yes, I said it, it does exist. Now the way I see it may not be the way you see it. I believe perfection is when your comfortable with how something is. For example, if your happy with how you are meaning if like your personality, you like your looks and there's nothing you would change about yourself then doesn't make you perfect? It may only be to you and no one else but i believe it still counts. Just like beauty, perfection is in the eye of the beholder. Whatever feels right to you and shouldn't be change is perfect. Moral of the story: As a whole perfection doesn't exist but it does exist in individuals.

Whether you like him or no he knows what hes doing.

"Love anything and your heart will be wrong and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable."  — C.S. Lewis


This is so beautiful.

This is why I'm a firm believer in true love. People who close themselves to love and other people are truely missing out on something special.

World Builder from Bruce Branit on Vimeo.


is the closest thing we have to magic.


I need to work on my photoshop skills..lol

Look at the panther's paw...Ughhh.

Orignal Pics

Ryan Leslie is very inspirational.

Rehearsing "Zodiac" (New) from Ryan Leslie on Vimeo.


Sorry, Sorry.. Last about this.

I should just leave this alone now.

But i read the full police report on the Rihanna/Chris situation and all i can say is wow. Nothing more. You can read it yourself Here. Oh and she never hit him or initiated the attack to all the people who said she deserved it.


Lil wayne - Prom Queen [Vid]

I can really relate to this video.


Kanye West on Vh1 Storytellers

In this video he performs See You In My Nightmares, Robocop, some sorta freestyle, Flashing Lights & Amazing

Here he performs: Good Life, Heartless/Pinocchio Story & Stronger