
The Fifth Tee


Are you a dick, pussy or a asshole?

Pussies don't like dicks, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes. Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way. But the only thing that can fuck an asshole is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is: they fuck too much - and it takes a pussy to show them that. But times, pussies can be so full of shit that they become assholes themselves... because pussies are an inch and half away from ass holes.


Third design

Would you buy it?



Starting a clothing line

1st design


French Elle No Makeup Issue.

Now im not big on high class fashion but that fact that one of the biggest fashion magazines in the world did a no makeup no photoshop issue is very remarkable to me. Like seriously is a shame how much retouching people do in there magazines. Pretty much every magazines use photoshop to retouch there photo and if you dont believe that your delusional. Anybody that photographs models, I plead to you: It's time to step up your game. People would like to see some real, healthy women who actually look like themselves. Stop smoothing out there wrinkles or making them skinnier. We're tired of the fakeness. Well at least i am.




Imagine there`s a bank account that credits
your account each morning with $ 86,400 _
It carries over NO balance from day to day ,
every evening , t h e bank deletes whatever
part of the balance you failed to use during
the day . what would you do ? withdraw out
every cent , ofcourse ? each of us has such
a bank . it`s name is TIME . every morning ,
it c r e d i t s you with 86,400 s e c o n d s
every night , it writes off as lost -- whatever
of this you have failed to invest to a g o o d
p u r p o s e . it carries o v e r no balance . it
allows no over draft . each d a y , it opens a
new account for you . each night it b u r n s
the remains of the day . if you f a i l to u s e
the day`s deposits the loss is yours . There
is no drawing against " T O M O R R O W " _


Oh and one more thing.

My Karmaloop Wife :].. Pure Hotness.

Lastest Design.

Taking a break from blogger. People are not really keeping me interested to continue doing this.

You know your soft as a twinkie..lol Mike Epps video



I'm not a dancer but this sure makes me want to become one.


Hypocrisy in America [Mainly PETA]

Hello people. Its been a while since i made a post about just life stuff. I actually was trying to talk about issues in the world because it just became stupid to me. Listening to people talk about how depressed they are and how anti-social they've become. Just lame. But them main reason of this post is hypocrites. Now i know people contradict themselves from time to time but a hypocrite is someone that contradicts themselves without acknowledging the fact that there contradicting themselves. What made me bring up this issue is a little organization called PETA [People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals] A few weeks ago i saw a story that said PETA KILLS ANIMALS. Like anybody who would have read that, I was very surprised. So i decided to do some research. And sure enough it was true. Even Penn and Teller did a episode about it on there show a while back. [ I'll post the video below]. The fact that PETA and anybody that represents them are hypocrites is not even the reason why i'm mad. Its how they treat other people who are not vegetarians that makes me mad. They go around protesting and throwing paint on people while they have a freezer full of dead animals back at there Headquarters waiting to be cremated. PETA kills MORE animals then they save. They are more about publicity then actually saving animals. They care more about what celebrity they can get to pose naked in there ads then about saving animals. They're trying to get the younger generation to fight for there so-called "cause". Whats sad PETA supporters probably don't even know the truth about the organization they support and if they do they come up with a bullshit excuse why they do it. They try to stop animal testing but animal testing is the reason why so many people can live today. I really dont understand PETA's motives. No, i dont support animal cruelty but i dont support PETA either. They are a corrupt group with terrorist tactics and contradictory beliefs.
